The moment your skin changes. Forever.

Swedish & Deep Tissue

Swedish massage is the most common and best known massage in the west. If its your first time then Swedish massage is best for you. If you want deeper work and can tolerate more pressure to get relief from muscle pain  then your best to have a deep tissue massage which is another form of Swedish massage. Massage has been used for centuries as an instinctive way to relieve muscle tension and to relax the body and mind.

Swedish Massage uses a variety of stroking, kneading, pressure and flowing movements over the body to treat and prevent a huge variety of complaints, or can simply be used for deep relaxation.  The way that we feel can have a direct physical effect on our body, so by inducing relaxation and stress relief both the body and mind can benefit from a massage treatment.

Massage is a holistic approach that can be used alongside or as an alternative to conventional medicines. Here are just some of the benefits of Swedish Body Massage:

  • Promotes relaxation, thereby reducing stress and anxiety
  • Ease of muscular tension, soreness and stiffness
  • Improved skin tone, circulation and elasticity
  • Elimination of toxins and swelling
  • Boosts immune system
  • Relieves tired and stiff joints
  • Increases energy levels by invigorating the body’s natural systems
  • Aids better sleep and reduces insomnia

Swedish massage has proven effective in the treatment of: muscle aches and pains, headaches and migraines, depression, emotional conditions, poor circulation, low immune system, IBS and digestive disorders, anxiety and stress and insomnia but is in no way limited to this list! If you are suffering from fluid retention (oedema), tiredness, recurring illnesses such as colds and flu, a full body massage with lymphatic drainage techniques is excellent to help remove toxins, reduce fluid retention and boost the immune system.  Regular lymphatic drainage massage will improve your circulation and your health and help your body to fight off infection without the use of conventional medicines.

30 minutes


40 minutes


60 minutes

full body

 10 minute face & scalp add on £15